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    Daily Transactions

    If you have any further questions, NO WORRIES, contact our live support now or send email to support@microbucks.net With more than 8 years experience MicroBucks Limited is now the 4th-largest stock exchange listed Stocks & CFD broker in the world. We have offices in over 23 countries including Denmark, UK, Poland, Germany, France and Turkey. MicroBucks is is also regulated by the world's biggest supervision authorities including the FCA, KNF and CMB.


    Client Name Amount Currency
    Juliet Augustine $6500 USDT TRC20
    Anneliese Frida $6500 USDT TRC20
    Lauren Patrick $869305 USDT TRC20
    Lauren Patrick $3500 USDT TRC20
    Anita Marcus $30000 USDT TRC20
    Peter Albert $4800 USDT TRC20
    Adam Smith $8000 USDT TRC20
    Juliet Augustine $6500 USDT TRC20


    Client Name Amount Currency
    Juliet Augustine $6,500 TRC20
    Juliet Augustine $6,500 TRC20
    Lauren Patrick $872,805 TRC20
    luisa miram $76,464 TRC20
    stefanie Jason $6,000 TRC20
    Anneliese Frida $6,900 TRC20
    romain dylan $122,812 TRC20
    Fabienne Frank $64,328 TRC20